We are still the same site you have been using since 1999! All of the recipes are still here that were on the other site. I hope they are a little easier to find and OMG we have a Print Button! If I had a nickel from everyone who asked for that I would be rich.
We now have a Recipe Box, a Shopping List and a place to get Grocery Deals (look for the Ziplist area, to the right). I am now a Ziplist Featured Partner. Ziplist is easy to use and best of all, it’s free! Once you save your favorite recipes, you can use the free app they have so that you will always have the recipes you love with you anytime for quick reference. I am so excited to be able to offer you this service! Ziplist really is changing the way we all cook and shop, try it yourself and see!
You can leave comments (they are moderated to keep down the spam) and I am still here if you need help, I’m an email away just as before.
I just got this email from a long time user and realized that she can’t be the only one who feels this way so I am going to try and explain a few things.
“I could cry! What happened to the old site?????? I LOVED that site . It was my “go to” place for any recipe. I knew I could find it there. Is it gone forever??/ Please say it ain’t so! Only @00 hundred recipes? So sad, so sad, so sad”
I loved that site also, this site has always been and will be a labor of love. I started out in 1999 intending to make this a real estate site that was like a little village someone could wander thru and find all kinds of things related to your home. I never dreamed of how many people this site would reach, it was beyond my wildest dreams. I got started on a recipe section and never stopped. Cooking has always been my passion and is something I really enjoy. I read cookbooks like some people read novels. I have a huge collection of cookbooks and really enjoy regional ones, you can learn so much about the people who live somewhere when you learn how they cook.
When I brought this site live back in 1999 I had just over 300 recipes that were all tried and true, family recipes that I cooked often. Want to see what it looked like all those years ago? Who remembers that? I sure needed a real designer back then! At the time it was the latest and greatest or so I thought. What was I thinking with all of those dark colors?
I had cooked professionally for many years so some of the recipes also came from that time. This site now contains over 11,000 recipes that have been contributed on our old message boards or ones I found in newspapers.
The problem with the old site is that the software became outdated and I wasn’t able to update the site at all any longer. I haven’t been able to update at all for the last 6 months. The redesign of this site has taken over a year to do and I hit many bumps in the road and had to change designers several times just because of the scope of this project. I am probably telling you more than you want to know but I feel it is important to explain the changes, it broke my heart to read the message above when it came. Millions of people have used this site throughout the years and it has become more than I ever dreamed it could be.
You have experienced growth pains with me throughout the years, I remember one Thanksgiving when y’all crashed the server at Razzle Dazzle Recipes at about 7 PM and my hosting company took me down. I got so many emails that night until, after begging I got the site put back up and switched to my own servers so it didn’t happen again. One man wrote me wanting to know how he was going to cook his turkey he had been making for 5 years when he couldn’t get to the recipe. I emailed it to him and suggested he print it out just in case. We have been thru growing pains many times and this is just another one of those times.
There are still some kinks to be worked but be assured we are working on them. I hope you learn to love the redesign as much as you loved the old site. The recipes are all still here. If you can’t find it, email me, I will try and help you find it. I will be adding new tried and true recipes with pictures going forward and adding pictures to the old ones as I make some of them again.
If you are still reading this I want to explain one more change, you can now follow me on Facebook, Pinterest or Google+. The buttons are just above on the right. The times they are a changin, as Bob Dylan would say! Share us with your family and friends, I would really appreciate it…… Mary Ellen
Hi –
How do you print recipes without the advertisements appearing? I LOVE your website, and “Razzle Dazzle”, and cannot remember how to print without all the ads appearing 🙁
Thank you very much!
Hi Carole, you can use the new print buttons on this site and the ads won’t show. There is a blue print button which will open the recipe in a new window for printing. New recipes which I am adding and blogging about, use the pink printer button. I am working on getting it to open in a new window. For a few more days it might be confusing but am working on it! As always you can still highlight the text and tell your printer to print selection but that shouldn’t be necessary any longer. Thanks for commenting.
I have watched you grow over the years and I want you to know your doing a great job!!!!
Hi Chris, thank you! It has been almost 14 years online at the end of the year. It has been amazing and I appreciate all of you who have been with me over the years!
I cannot use your search at the top of the home page, the darned ads keep recycling and prohibit me from typing in a request. I cannot find your New Orleans style Pot Roast recipe anywhere. Honestly, your old site was a lot easier to navigate.
I will see what is going on and get it fixed. Thanks for letting me know. There shouldn’t be any ads up in that area.