


1 T. sugar

1 C. warm water (110°F.)

1 envelope yeast

3 1/4 C. flour

1 t. salt

1/4 C. olive oil

Add yeast, sugar and 1/4 C. of the water to a small bowl and let set 5 minutes.

Add flour, salt, oil and the rest of water along with yeast mixture and mix well. Turn out onto a floured board and knead dough until smooth and satiny (about 10 minutes).


2 C. shredded Mozzarella cheese

2 C. ricotta cheese

1/2 C. parmesan cheese, freshly grated if possible

2 garlic cloves minced

Mix above together in a bowl.

1/2 C. olive oil

1 C. chopped, peeled and seeded tomato

5 oz. prosciutto or other flavorful ham slivered

salt and pepper

Divide dough into 6 pieces. Roll out into a circle. Brush with the olive oil. Add 1/6 of the cheese mixture and spread out on half of the dough. Add tomatoes, ham, salt and pepper to taste.

Fold over dough and press edges together. Brush top with olive oil.

Bake at 450°F. for about 15 minutes until crust is golden onto a pizza stone or greased baking sheet.

After baking, brush with olive oil again and sprinkle with parmesan cheese. Serve immediately.

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