Tournedos Al Radicchio

Tournedos al Radicchio

3/4 pound radicchio

4 tournedos (these are 2-inch thick slices of tender beef filet; they’re generally tied with a string so they keep their round shape as they cook)

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

4 thin slices Montasio cheese (any good quality moderately firm, not too sharp cheese should work)

Salt & pepper to taste

Wash and pat the radicchio dry, then cut it into wedges.

Lightly oil them, season them with salt and pepper, and sauté them in a skillet for 5 minutes (or grill them).

In the meantime, cook the meat in another lightly oiled skillet (or again, over the coals).

Lay the cooked radicchio over the meat, heat through, lay a slice of cheese over each piece, cover the pan or grill for a few seconds, and serve.

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